由于其主观性质,美学的计算推断是一项不确定的任务。已经提出了许多数据集来通过根据人类评级提供成对的图像和美学得分来解决问题。但是,人类更好地通过语言表达自己的观点,品味和情感,而不是单个数字总结他们。实际上,照片评论提供了更丰富的信息,因为它们揭示了用户如何以及为什么对视觉刺激的美学评价。在这方面,我们提出了Reddit照片评论数据集(RPCD),其中包含图像和照片评论的元素。 RPCD由74K图像和220k评论组成,并从业余爱好者和专业摄影师使用的Reddit社区收集,以利用建设性的社区反馈来提高其摄影技巧。所提出的数据集与以前的美学数据集不同,主要是三个方面,即(i)数据集的大规模数据集和批评图像不同方面的评论的扩展,(ii)它主要包含Ultrahd映像,以及(iii)它通过自动管道收集,可以轻松地扩展到新数据。据我们所知,在这项工作中,我们提出了首次尝试估算批评的视觉刺激质量的尝试。为此,我们利用批评情绪的极性为美学判断的指标。我们证明了情感如何与可用于两种美学评估基准的美学判断正相关。最后,我们通过使用情感得分作为排名图像的目标进行了几种模型。提供数据集和基准(https://github.com/mediatechnologycenter/aestheval)。
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Language modeling, a central task in natural language processing, involves estimating a probability distribution over strings. In most cases, the estimated distribution sums to 1 over all finite strings. However, in some pathological cases, probability mass can ``leak'' onto the set of infinite sequences. In order to characterize the notion of leakage more precisely, this paper offers a measure-theoretic treatment of language modeling. We prove that many popular language model families are in fact tight, meaning that they will not leak in this sense. We also generalize characterizations of tightness proposed in previous works.
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After just a few hundred training updates, a standard probabilistic model for language generation has likely not yet learnt many semantic or syntactic rules of natural language, which inherently makes it difficult to estimate the right probability distribution over next tokens. Yet around this point, these models have identified a simple, loss-minimising behaviour: to output the unigram distribution of the target training corpus. The use of such a crude heuristic raises the question: Rather than wasting precious compute resources and model capacity for learning this strategy at early training stages, can we initialise our models with this behaviour? Here, we show that we can effectively endow our model with a separate module that reflects unigram frequency statistics as prior knowledge. Standard neural language generation architectures offer a natural opportunity for implementing this idea: by initialising the bias term in a model's final linear layer with the log-unigram distribution. Experiments in neural machine translation demonstrate that this simple technique: (i) improves learning efficiency; (ii) achieves better overall performance; and (iii) appears to disentangle strong frequency effects, encouraging the model to specialise in non-frequency-related aspects of language.
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Recent developments of advanced driver-assistance systems necessitate an increasing number of tests to validate new technologies. These tests cannot be carried out on track in a reasonable amount of time and automotive groups rely on simulators to perform most tests. The reliability of these simulators for constantly refined tasks is becoming an issue and, to increase the number of tests, the industry is now developing surrogate models, that should mimic the behavior of the simulator while being much faster to run on specific tasks. In this paper we aim to construct a surrogate model to mimic and replace the simulator. We first test several classical methods such as random forests, ridge regression or convolutional neural networks. Then we build three hybrid models that use all these methods and combine them to obtain an efficient hybrid surrogate model.
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The material science literature contains up-to-date and comprehensive scientific knowledge of materials. However, their content is unstructured and diverse, resulting in a significant gap in providing sufficient information for material design and synthesis. To this end, we used natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV) techniques based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) to discover valuable experimental-based information about nanomaterials and synthesis methods in energy-material-related publications. Our first system, TextMaster, extracts opinions from texts and classifies them into challenges and opportunities, achieving 94% and 92% accuracy, respectively. Our second system, GraphMaster, realizes data extraction of tables and figures from publications with 98.3\% classification accuracy and 4.3% data extraction mean square error. Our results show that these systems could assess the suitability of materials for a certain application by evaluation of synthesis insights and case analysis with detailed references. This work offers a fresh perspective on mining knowledge from scientific literature, providing a wide swatch to accelerate nanomaterial research through CNN.
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临床记录经常包括对患者特征的评估,其中可能包括完成各种问卷。这些问卷提供了有关患者当前健康状况的各种观点。捕获这些观点给出的异质性不仅至关重要,而且对开发具有成本效益的技术的临床表型技术的需求增长。填写许多问卷可能是患者的压力,因此昂贵。在这项工作中,我们提出了钴 - 一种基于成本的层选择器模型,用于使用社区检测方法检测表型。我们的目标是最大程度地减少用于构建这些表型的功能的数量,同时保持其质量。我们使用来自慢性耳鸣患者的问卷数据测试我们的模型,并在多层网络结构中代表数据。然后,通过使用基线特征(年龄,性别和治疗前数据)以及确定的表型作为特征来评估该模型。对于某些治疗后变量,使用来自钴的表型作为特征的预测因素优于使用传统聚类方法检测到的表型的预测因素。此外,与仅接受基线特征训练的预测因子相比,使用表型数据预测治疗后数据被证明是有益的。
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短单链RNA和DNA序列(适体)的逆设计是找到满足一组所需标准的序列的任务。相关标准可能是特定折叠基序的存在,与分子配体,传感属性等结合。适体设计的大多数实用方法都使用高通量实验(例如SELEX)和SELEX)和然后,仅通过对经验发现的候选人引入较小的修改来优化性能。具有所需特性但在化学成分上截然不同的序列将为搜索空间增加多样性,并促进发现有用的核酸适体。需要系统的多元化协议。在这里,我们建议使用一种无​​监督的机器学习模型,称为Potts模型,以发现具有可控序列多样性的新的有用序列。我们首先使用最大熵原理训练POTTS模型,这是一组由公共特征统一的经验鉴定的序列。为了生成具有可控多样性程度的新候选序列,我们利用了模型的光谱特征:能量带隙分离序列,与训练集相似,与训练集相似。通过控制采样的POTTS能量范围,我们生成的序列与训练集不同,但仍然可能具有编码功能。为了证明性能,我们将方法应用于设计不同的序列池,该序列具有30-MER RNA和DNA适体中指定的二级结构基序。
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